Entretanto as versões beta têm sido apreciadas e a ARS Technica fez a sua apreciação ao novo pacote do Office e dá-nos o seu olhar e opinião sobre o que encontrou no novo Word, Excel, PowerPoint e Entourage.
Parece que a equipa Mac da Microsoft, se inspirou no iWork '08. Como o Office é um standard estabelecido há imensos anos e nesta área apesar do iWork '08 ser muito bom acaba por não ter hipóteses, principalmente em situações de documentos para colaborações, etc.
Parece que a equipa Mac da Microsoft, se inspirou no iWork '08. Como o Office é um standard estabelecido há imensos anos e nesta área apesar do iWork '08 ser muito bom acaba por não ter hipóteses, principalmente em situações de documentos para colaborações, etc.
Curiosamente não deram foi nenhuma palavra sobre o Messenger e se teremos finalmente uma versão nova para Mac à altura do que há para Windows.
Se a Apple fizesse o iWork '08 também para Windows poderia ser que aumentasse a base de utilizadores e com o preço que ele tem teria decerto uma grande aceitação. Assim, vai ter sempre obstáculos de aceitação. Eu defendo que o iLife nunca deveria ser para outras plataformas mas o iWork sim. Afinal é para trabalhar...
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Conclusão da ARS Technica (podem apreciar o artigo aqui):
"When it comes to Office, compared to other apps it doesn't necessarily matter if the package is better or worse than any others out there. Since it's the de facto standard, many of us have to use it regardless. That being said, for the person in front of the keyboard, of course it matters if the software is easy and pleasant to use or not. Thankfully, I can relate to you, the reader, that this is the case. In typical Microsoft fashion, the newest version builds on prior examples to do what it's supposed to.
In this case though, the Mac Business Unit has looked at what others, notably Apple, have brought to the table with competitor applications, and they've incorporated some of the best elements into Office. And if they haven't consciously done that, then the end result is still the same. The applications are better looking, and produce better looking documents too. Sure, you can tell that My Day is a 1.0 addition, but that's not much of a complaint. Perhaps the best thing that can be said about software that one uses in the course of working is that even if it doesn't make the work fun, it doesn't make it any worse, and that's certainly the story with Office 2008. Those spreadsheets, presentations and software reviews won't write themselves, but now it's a deal easier to make them look like they did. That it does that in just the way you'd want a great Macintosh program to behave is good news for Office workers."
Quanto ao Office, não é um software que use ou o tenha como principal. Mas faz sempre jeito principalmente o Powerpoint para abrir os anexos que nos chegam por e-mail (maior parte das vezes são aquelas apresentações cheias de amizade a pedir o envio para imensa gente ou então moçoilas á maneira e cheias de calor.)
No caso de quem é utilizador de Mac OS X, temos a excelente alternativa que é o iWork, que abre muito bem tudo que é feito em Office. Temos ainda o muito interessante e gratuito, o NeoOffice que tenho-o instalado em todos os Macs da empresa pois é bem conveniente e não tem custos.
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Conclusão da ARS Technica (podem apreciar o artigo aqui):
"When it comes to Office, compared to other apps it doesn't necessarily matter if the package is better or worse than any others out there. Since it's the de facto standard, many of us have to use it regardless. That being said, for the person in front of the keyboard, of course it matters if the software is easy and pleasant to use or not. Thankfully, I can relate to you, the reader, that this is the case. In typical Microsoft fashion, the newest version builds on prior examples to do what it's supposed to.
In this case though, the Mac Business Unit has looked at what others, notably Apple, have brought to the table with competitor applications, and they've incorporated some of the best elements into Office. And if they haven't consciously done that, then the end result is still the same. The applications are better looking, and produce better looking documents too. Sure, you can tell that My Day is a 1.0 addition, but that's not much of a complaint. Perhaps the best thing that can be said about software that one uses in the course of working is that even if it doesn't make the work fun, it doesn't make it any worse, and that's certainly the story with Office 2008. Those spreadsheets, presentations and software reviews won't write themselves, but now it's a deal easier to make them look like they did. That it does that in just the way you'd want a great Macintosh program to behave is good news for Office workers."
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